Holistic Feedback ReportOverallSTUDENT05, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 4. Your response was evaluated on the basis of how well it communicates its message considering important areas of writing including focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and conventions and mechanics. A response that receives a score of four adequately communicates its message. Typically, a response at this level has a reasonably clear purpose evident, though the presentation may stray from the controlling point and may lack focus and cohesion. A response at this level typically shows reasonable support of ideas with adequate use of examples, but may lack supporting detail or specificity. The response shows reasonable organization with an apparent pattern of ideas presented in a logical order. The sentence structure is generally free of errors and shows some variety in presentation. Usage and word choice are generally effective. The response is generally free of mechanical errors such as spelling and punctuation, though some small errors may be present that do not significantly interfere with the communication of the message. A more detailed analysis of your response is provided for each of the five important writing areas below. Writing Analysis Your response was also evaluated in terms of five important traits of writing, focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style and mechanics and conventions. Each of the five areas was evaluated on a scale ranging from one to six.
Effects of Technology??
This world's going forward to tread quickest thing
is science and technology, what science and technology rely on is the progress of[with]
the computer is a science and technology of technique, the time-consuming work we need before now all depend on computer of science and technology lets us simplify matters a lot, also saving much time, so we can own more techniques that time improves present, let science and technology
in this world more simplify
matters more environmental protection. ?? The computer brings our convenience to have a lot, for example say the computer will bring our fast operations, analyzing a successful probability for us, providing us to carry on a recreational activity.? The computer will also bring many bad things, for example say over a long period of time use a computer will cause near sight, over a long period of time use a computer will also cause many people indulge lazy have to study or exercise in the electronic game, depending on a computer too
will also cause our heads consider gradual degeneration. Although the computer will bring various injury,I
believe future science and technology
still keep
overcoming this kind of problem.On
the medical treatment use if there are no the
words of computer, that didn't save the person's science and technology so, the not accurate medical treatment technique would cause more people's dead and injured,
what we need is correct usage
science and technology, not abuses science and technology.
Individual Error Summary Report
Word Count = 252 Readability = Grade 12.9
Error Type
Error Category
Error Count
Subject-verb agreement errors
Spelling errors
Punctuation errors
Punctuation errors (ESL)
Doubled words
Missing articles
Similar words
Misused words
1 則留言:
Yes. Actually, technology brings up some advantages. Without denying,it gives us some disadvantages.
Your conclusion is too long sentences. You can divide some sentences. "Although the computer will bring various injury,I believe future science and technology still keep overcoming this kind of problem.On the medical treatment use if there are no the words of computer, that didn't save the person's science and technology so, the not accurate medical treatment technique would cause more people's dead and injured, what we need is correct usage science and technology, not abuses science and technology."